One of my favorite soundtracks. Classic hilarious scenes of Julia Roberts. And a movie which makes every women in the world wish a deep voiced swarthy guy would sing to them while slow dancing on a ferry-boat. But the ending....what shall we do about the ending.
There are so many movies where I disagree with the ending, despise the ending, think the writers must be insane, and this movie.... is a toss up for me. See my problem is that I am someone who can find at least some kind of redeeming quality to a movie. So I love this movie, but the ending literally kills me, and yet I realize it is suppose to happen. This movie questions completely who we are "meant" to be with. The best friend? Or the perfect women?
So combine this movie, with 'When Harry Met Sally,' 'Little Women' and 'Something Borrowed' and these movies are no longer helpful, they are not "self-help books", and non-beneficially to any girl attempting to figure out their love life and relationships, but confusing and frustrating. I think all we learn is that EVERY situation is different, EVERY question has a different answer, and the person we are "meant" to be with varies in EVERY relationship. So in other words, we need to stop using these movies as "self-help" solutions, and only see them as entertainment, with a few practical tips along the way, but not the answers to our problems.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Monday, September 26, 2011
Mis en Scene
I have been slacking off a bit on the movie watching. I've needed to have on the most undistracting entertainment, so 'Friends' got popped in again this week.
We have been studying Mis en Scene (say is in a French accent). The over-all feel of the entire movie, and how each and every elements is specifically positioned and added to create this feeling. Even though there are those who feel analyzing a film, seeing one multiple times, or merely studying a film for meaning instead of just for pure entertainment ruins the entire aspect, it has a way of making one appreciate, connect and actually enjoy the movie more. Of course through this some movies do have the potential of becoming, let's say, less than adequate, even more so than they were before, however it make those movies which seem complex and maybe even confusing have this incredible multi-sided meaning. Even though in my first viewing of a film I look specifically at content, knowing about these elements can only make them better.
Believe it or not, and this may even be deleting a movie off your list of potential film you picked as my favorites, but I have never seen 'Casablanca.' A classic I know! So many lines, so many methods, so many firsts, etc. etc. have come from this film. And yet I still have not seen this movie, even though for the past three weeks of class we have been studying this film. We have not actually watched it, only scenes of it. It was not a film we were required to watch so it wasn't on reserve for us, and netflix doesn't have it on instant view. So once I figure out how to get a copy of this movie, I will have it completely analyzed before I actually watch it. At that point I will possibly, truly, completely know whether watching a movie analytically is worth it, or if it ruins the film.
But I will need to acquire a copy of 'Casablanca' and get back to everyone about Mis en Scene, and if analyzing has ruined a classic movie for me forever.
We have been studying Mis en Scene (say is in a French accent). The over-all feel of the entire movie, and how each and every elements is specifically positioned and added to create this feeling. Even though there are those who feel analyzing a film, seeing one multiple times, or merely studying a film for meaning instead of just for pure entertainment ruins the entire aspect, it has a way of making one appreciate, connect and actually enjoy the movie more. Of course through this some movies do have the potential of becoming, let's say, less than adequate, even more so than they were before, however it make those movies which seem complex and maybe even confusing have this incredible multi-sided meaning. Even though in my first viewing of a film I look specifically at content, knowing about these elements can only make them better.
Believe it or not, and this may even be deleting a movie off your list of potential film you picked as my favorites, but I have never seen 'Casablanca.' A classic I know! So many lines, so many methods, so many firsts, etc. etc. have come from this film. And yet I still have not seen this movie, even though for the past three weeks of class we have been studying this film. We have not actually watched it, only scenes of it. It was not a film we were required to watch so it wasn't on reserve for us, and netflix doesn't have it on instant view. So once I figure out how to get a copy of this movie, I will have it completely analyzed before I actually watch it. At that point I will possibly, truly, completely know whether watching a movie analytically is worth it, or if it ruins the film.
But I will need to acquire a copy of 'Casablanca' and get back to everyone about Mis en Scene, and if analyzing has ruined a classic movie for me forever.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Wow I am behind, not on watching but writing. No surprise there though, watching only takes half my attention and writing take my whole brain. So here we go I'll catch you up on the the movies I've watch in the past week.
Step-Up 2:
There was something about sequels this week, you'll see quite a few number two's on the list. Now usually I agree that number two's just aren't the greatest, 'Grease 2' anybody, but that doesn't mean they don't have their place. It is when they are just trying too hard to squeeze out some more money that the movies go south. Like the Fast and the Furious movies, I think the first few are awesome, but when the original actors start disappearing that's when you know to call it quits.
Step-Up 2 I think is safe to say it is pretty good in content, and well just AMAZING in dance. I'm sorry but dancers impress the heck out of me. HOW DO THEY MOVE LIKE THAT!?!? I love to dance and don't care much that I probably look like a complete fool, but hey I dance like my dad, and everyone seems to enjoy watching him. Who says tall girls can't break it down?
I think the ending dance beats out the original Step-Up. The water, the music, the move....dang, just amazing. Now with a sequel there is the special requirement though, you have to watch the first to make sense of the second. The first part of this movie definitely requires that, but I guess you could go without watch the first one to get the point of the movie.
Night at the Museum 2:
I also love TV shows, and am also pretty good at naming what other movies and TV shows actors play in. However, I do not know names of actors. It's my family curse, we are just not good at names, but we sure do describe who they are well. So when I watch movies I notice the side-actors a lot because they always seem to pop-out in other movies with the same main actors (Adam Sandler Movies), or there will be a lot of extras from the same TV series. This movie apparently loves 'The Office.'
Andy (Ed Helms), Darryll (Craig Robinson), Kelly (Mindy Kaling), and Katy (Amy Adams) all play roles in this movie, a long with other big name actors!
I did like the first one better though. Even with all the MANY history facts and bits of culture, it was just too much. There was just TOO much going on. I think this was the logically location for the museum to "come back to life" in follow up with NY, but there were just so many history elements, people and facts I can't imagine that kids really even caught all of what was going on, or even any of the jokes. Some of the jokes I know would have gone straight over my head when I was little. So the question is, is this a children's movie or adult movie?
Something Borrowed:
Saw the movie in theater. Then read the book. Now saw the movie again. And I just can't make up my mind which I like better. I never like seeing a movie without reading its book first, but sometimes when I read the book first it just completely kills the movie. I like making the two separate. Even though it annoys me SO much when a book is completely altered in the movie, I do understand creative editing. There is no possible way to include everything in a movie when it is based off a book, but when they completely change endings, or add scenes that NEVER happen in the book I get so frustrated. I don't even know which one is worse because endings are endings, it is the conclusion, the exhale, the resolution, so how can this be changed when it was so carefully and masterfully created. Most authors even start with the end, and yet movies still change the endings. But then adding is scenes. I give them the benefit of the doubt when they take out parts because there isn't enough time to include everything, but then they go on an add in scenes that didn't happen. Why not just include a scene you left out?!
But 'Something Borrowed,' both I LOVE! I honestly can't pick. And I understand all the changes in the movie from the book, they were completely constructive and practical in their creative editing. Even though when I saw this movie I was frustrated beyond belief because I just couldn't figure out how I wanted it to end, the book helped me like the ending, and that it had to end is way to make the second book/movie come true. So, now I just have to wait for 'Something Blue' to come out.
Princesses Diaries 2:
I LOVE THIS MOVIE! I loved the first, love the second, and will forever love it. This is when I fell in love with Ann Hathaway, and will watch any movie she is in. Even though 1 and 2 DO NOT follow the books what so ever, I did and do REALLY enjoy these movies. I mean it has Julie Andrews in it for goodness sakes! I actually don't know how many times I have seen this, it may be one of those movies I have to buy again because I have just worn out the disc.
A Knight's Tale:
Can we please just state the obvious first...why oh why did they deem it appropriate to include modern aspects in a movie which in every other way was historically correct. I still, no matter what, enjoy this movie, especially Mr. Heath Ledger. But between the 'Jock Jams' Music, Nike branding symbol, modern phrases like "foxy," and club dance scene it just downgraded the whole movie. Many people may think it funny or entertaining, but I just feel it takes away from the movie, it turned it into a funny haha movie instead of a historical romance. A few things they also got a bit wrong, but semi accurate??? There is a part where the French are saying they are better because the Pope is French, and Ledger's men reply that the Pope may be French but Jesus Christ was British. WHAT!? Now I am aware that people are ignorant to the ethnicity of Jesus, but you would think that the movie people may have researched this before making a joke that isn't even nearly accurate. And then another crack at religion is when Ledger walks into the Catholic church and dunks both hands in the "holy water" and smooths down his hair. I found this funny, but then thought yes this is a crack at the Catholics, it is also a joke on all religions that take Christ seriously. This is one thing we are looking at in my Film and Mass Media course right now, how religion is portrayed in media. Next time you watch a movie, see what you notice about what point they may be making about religion
Bride Wars:
Another good Hathaway and Kate Hudson Movie. I think this is Bridezilla at its best. Now never would I hope that my sisters would have been like these two, competitive, cruel and sabotaging, but man wouldn't that have been just been a tad bit entertaining. Can you just imagine an orange Melissa and blue haired Jennifer? (You know I love you both) But seriously this is very unrealistic, but that is the point, the over exaggerating makes the laughs. I do love how many things are true to a point in this movie as well. At the beginning the girls judge their friends hall, flowers, food, etc. etc. and know that theirs will be better, even though both of therm can't have a perfect wedding when they will be having completely different themed and seperate weddings. And then once the wedding is over their newly married friend has come past the wedding bliss and hit the reality check of married life, while the other friends drown themselves in ice cream and depression medication because they don't have anyone to marry. But of course in the end we learn what is most important, the wedding itself or the one(s) you are with.
So try out sequels, read movie books (before or after, it doesn't matter, JUST READ), and enjoy even the most unrealistic moments of movies.
Step-Up 2:
There was something about sequels this week, you'll see quite a few number two's on the list. Now usually I agree that number two's just aren't the greatest, 'Grease 2' anybody, but that doesn't mean they don't have their place. It is when they are just trying too hard to squeeze out some more money that the movies go south. Like the Fast and the Furious movies, I think the first few are awesome, but when the original actors start disappearing that's when you know to call it quits.
Step-Up 2 I think is safe to say it is pretty good in content, and well just AMAZING in dance. I'm sorry but dancers impress the heck out of me. HOW DO THEY MOVE LIKE THAT!?!? I love to dance and don't care much that I probably look like a complete fool, but hey I dance like my dad, and everyone seems to enjoy watching him. Who says tall girls can't break it down?
I think the ending dance beats out the original Step-Up. The water, the music, the move....dang, just amazing. Now with a sequel there is the special requirement though, you have to watch the first to make sense of the second. The first part of this movie definitely requires that, but I guess you could go without watch the first one to get the point of the movie.
Night at the Museum 2:
I also love TV shows, and am also pretty good at naming what other movies and TV shows actors play in. However, I do not know names of actors. It's my family curse, we are just not good at names, but we sure do describe who they are well. So when I watch movies I notice the side-actors a lot because they always seem to pop-out in other movies with the same main actors (Adam Sandler Movies), or there will be a lot of extras from the same TV series. This movie apparently loves 'The Office.'
Andy (Ed Helms), Darryll (Craig Robinson), Kelly (Mindy Kaling), and Katy (Amy Adams) all play roles in this movie, a long with other big name actors!
I did like the first one better though. Even with all the MANY history facts and bits of culture, it was just too much. There was just TOO much going on. I think this was the logically location for the museum to "come back to life" in follow up with NY, but there were just so many history elements, people and facts I can't imagine that kids really even caught all of what was going on, or even any of the jokes. Some of the jokes I know would have gone straight over my head when I was little. So the question is, is this a children's movie or adult movie?
Something Borrowed:
Saw the movie in theater. Then read the book. Now saw the movie again. And I just can't make up my mind which I like better. I never like seeing a movie without reading its book first, but sometimes when I read the book first it just completely kills the movie. I like making the two separate. Even though it annoys me SO much when a book is completely altered in the movie, I do understand creative editing. There is no possible way to include everything in a movie when it is based off a book, but when they completely change endings, or add scenes that NEVER happen in the book I get so frustrated. I don't even know which one is worse because endings are endings, it is the conclusion, the exhale, the resolution, so how can this be changed when it was so carefully and masterfully created. Most authors even start with the end, and yet movies still change the endings. But then adding is scenes. I give them the benefit of the doubt when they take out parts because there isn't enough time to include everything, but then they go on an add in scenes that didn't happen. Why not just include a scene you left out?!
But 'Something Borrowed,' both I LOVE! I honestly can't pick. And I understand all the changes in the movie from the book, they were completely constructive and practical in their creative editing. Even though when I saw this movie I was frustrated beyond belief because I just couldn't figure out how I wanted it to end, the book helped me like the ending, and that it had to end is way to make the second book/movie come true. So, now I just have to wait for 'Something Blue' to come out.
Princesses Diaries 2:
I LOVE THIS MOVIE! I loved the first, love the second, and will forever love it. This is when I fell in love with Ann Hathaway, and will watch any movie she is in. Even though 1 and 2 DO NOT follow the books what so ever, I did and do REALLY enjoy these movies. I mean it has Julie Andrews in it for goodness sakes! I actually don't know how many times I have seen this, it may be one of those movies I have to buy again because I have just worn out the disc.
A Knight's Tale:
Can we please just state the obvious first...why oh why did they deem it appropriate to include modern aspects in a movie which in every other way was historically correct. I still, no matter what, enjoy this movie, especially Mr. Heath Ledger. But between the 'Jock Jams' Music, Nike branding symbol, modern phrases like "foxy," and club dance scene it just downgraded the whole movie. Many people may think it funny or entertaining, but I just feel it takes away from the movie, it turned it into a funny haha movie instead of a historical romance. A few things they also got a bit wrong, but semi accurate??? There is a part where the French are saying they are better because the Pope is French, and Ledger's men reply that the Pope may be French but Jesus Christ was British. WHAT!? Now I am aware that people are ignorant to the ethnicity of Jesus, but you would think that the movie people may have researched this before making a joke that isn't even nearly accurate. And then another crack at religion is when Ledger walks into the Catholic church and dunks both hands in the "holy water" and smooths down his hair. I found this funny, but then thought yes this is a crack at the Catholics, it is also a joke on all religions that take Christ seriously. This is one thing we are looking at in my Film and Mass Media course right now, how religion is portrayed in media. Next time you watch a movie, see what you notice about what point they may be making about religion
Bride Wars:
Another good Hathaway and Kate Hudson Movie. I think this is Bridezilla at its best. Now never would I hope that my sisters would have been like these two, competitive, cruel and sabotaging, but man wouldn't that have been just been a tad bit entertaining. Can you just imagine an orange Melissa and blue haired Jennifer? (You know I love you both) But seriously this is very unrealistic, but that is the point, the over exaggerating makes the laughs. I do love how many things are true to a point in this movie as well. At the beginning the girls judge their friends hall, flowers, food, etc. etc. and know that theirs will be better, even though both of therm can't have a perfect wedding when they will be having completely different themed and seperate weddings. And then once the wedding is over their newly married friend has come past the wedding bliss and hit the reality check of married life, while the other friends drown themselves in ice cream and depression medication because they don't have anyone to marry. But of course in the end we learn what is most important, the wedding itself or the one(s) you are with.
So try out sequels, read movie books (before or after, it doesn't matter, JUST READ), and enjoy even the most unrealistic moments of movies.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
I haven't posted new ones in awhile, so here are a few more clues. Melissa still was asking questions about how this works, so remember this is a puzzle, you won't figure it out till the end, and the clues are on all the movies and soon I will tell you which clue applies to each movie. It's a puzzle people, don't you remember doing brain busters! I'm trying to make it even harder since really kills things for me.
Top 10 Movies Clues:
Top 10 Movies Clues:
It's a book
Childhood favorite
Contains a wedding scene
Contains an affair
Shows a man proposing to a woman
Contains an affair
Shows a man proposing to a woman
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Oh Yea, Picture Time!
I took pictures from every angle I could. Enjoy my 3 weeks of hard work. I still want to had something above the window and the wall next to the window, but I haven't figured anything out yet.
The picture wall of friends (over 100 pictures)
The entertainment center now a display of pictures and shelves of food and books.
Closet #1
Closet #2...that's right TWO closets!
My desk. (Pictures are all family)
The entertainment area
My bed and make shift couch.
Well this past weekend was just perfect :) It's exactly what I needed, complete relaxation and no drama, especially after my Friday night.
Now my Friday night was not out on the town or with friends, nope, well unless of course you consider the eight people I met while talking to hp support service for over 4.5 hours as friends. Yes, that's right I said 4.5 hours! I've needed to turn my computer in for repairs for awhile now, but have been reluctant because I've always needed the use of it, plus I've had problems with my warranty registration. But no fear, I finally made it to the end after repetitively saying, "I'm sorry but can you please repeat that?" and listening to elevator music twice as long as I actually talked to anyone. Through it all I stayed fairly calm, they were apologetic and everything, but man did I just want to rip their none English speaking little heads off. So after all that I was able to confirm everything that was wrong with my computer, which now includes the most recent injury caused by me accidentally tripping over the cord and causing it to crash to the floor and lose a big chunk of the plastic. I got the box they sent yesterday, and now I just need to send it in, which just sucks, because I will hate not having my computer! But I just need to suck it up and do it, I've got computer labs everywhere on campus.
So yes getting away from campus was wonderfully relaxing. I spent Saturday night catching up and hanging out with Aunt Sally, Heidi, Steve (Pastor Daley as the church members called him, and who were confused when I called him Steve), Amy, Katie, Samuel, Melissa, Chris, Kyle, Ellie and Emerson. It was WONDERFUL to have home cooked food, yes I am already sick of cafe food. I got to enjoy watching Steve and Chris "wash" the dishes, acting like they were teenagers again, while Aunt Sally told some funny stories about the two of them. Everyone was so exhausted but needed food for the next day, so Amy and I went to the store at 10:30 and somehow even with all the specific items and requests I was able to get everything on the list.
Sunday I got to see my MLC friend Derick who is the new teacher and principal at Steve's school at church. I got to hold Emerson up until the sermon (who then needed a changing) and boy does she love to play with bulletins. I saw Derick's new bachelor pad before we headed back to the Daley's for an AMAZING picnic. Chris is now the burger master of the family, and is required to make burgers for family get togethers. I don't even know how I ate that much food!. (Typical Oerther meal, way too much good food to have only small portions of) We played some catch football, and then a few rounds of Euchre. After all the church members had left we hung out and discussed the book "The 5 Love Languages". Steve started to have me take the quiz out loud, but we stopped that quick, one since the quiz was for a married person, and two because that would just be too much information :) So instead Melissa and Chris took the quiz as Steve read it aloud. What we learned? They want more alone no children and travel time, and Chris doesn't have to do laundry. As the Daley's packed up to leave Derick came and picked me up to go see "Our Idiot Brother" with another church member Matt. The movie was actually veered in and out of being a chick flick. It's about three sisters and their brother. Sound familiar. And how the brother annoys them all the time. Sound familiar. And how they have to do everything for him. SOUND FAMILIAR! Anyway, it was funny, Paul Rudd is always there for a good laugh. Thank goodness none of the scene actually represented my siblings and I, because boy are those girls messed up, and we are NOT.
Monday I got to hang out with Samuel and Katie as I drew anything they wanted on an etch-a-sketch. Let's just say I missed my calling in professional etch-a-sketch drawing. Then in the afternoon, Matt, Derick and I went to a shooting range. I know, me, the girl who screamed along with Melissa as our Dad forced us to shoot a gun for the first time, went to the shooting range. Well actually we went to Matt's uncle's property and set up some targets, but all the same. Of course I was nervous, and of course squealed a little, but all in all I didn't embarrass myself too much. In fact I embarrassed them, well until I freaked out when one of the hand guns made my arms fly up in the air and I couldn't stop laughing. But yes, I beat them, smothered them, in our competition round. I hit the center target nine times for seven points each. The first shot I aimed for the little boxes we set up for ten points a piece but missed, and then decided the center was a better bet for me. And man was I right. The other two were all over the board and now I have mocking rights for a very long time. Guns still make me very nervous, no matter how good I am at hitting a target, but I think I impressed my dad and Phil when I sent them a picture text of my target now pinned up in my dorm room.
I spent the rest of the day hanging with the MN Daley's and watched 'Ratatouille.' This movie just makes you want to become a chef. All those foods and how pretty they look, it really made me look forward to getting back to cafe food.
We have now hit hard core homework time. Next week I have SO much due, but I've been doing pretty good at getting ahead in all my work. And organ is actually not a pain in the butt! I think my plan is working. I practice piano and organ for a half and hour each during my free 4th hour every day which is right after chapel. Though organ still frustrates me, I think I'm getting better, and learning more songs on the piano just makes everything better.
I have my first day of Clinical on Tuesday and am totally excited! But I'm also a little jealous because all the student teachers headed out this weekend, and I wish I could start too. One more year, just one more year.
Work is going well, I think the bowling boys like me, and I seem to be meshing well with all the employees (which makes sense since most of them are from MLC). I'm getting a little over 15 hours a week, and tons of tips, which I hope continues to stay true.
But that is it for this update, I need to get to homework and find a seat and a cable TV for the MSU game.
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