Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Wow I am behind, not on watching but writing. No surprise there though, watching only takes half my attention and writing take my whole brain. So here we go I'll catch you up on the the movies I've watch in the past week.

Step-Up 2:
There was something about sequels this week, you'll see quite a few number two's on the list. Now usually I agree that number two's just aren't the greatest, 'Grease 2' anybody, but that doesn't mean they don't have their place. It is when they are just trying too hard to squeeze out some more money that the movies go south. Like the Fast and the Furious movies, I think the first few are awesome, but when the original actors start disappearing that's when you know to call it quits. 

Step-Up 2 I think is safe to say it is pretty good in content, and well just AMAZING in dance. I'm sorry but dancers impress the heck out of me. HOW DO THEY MOVE LIKE THAT!?!? I love to dance and don't care much that I probably look like a complete fool, but hey I dance like my dad, and everyone seems to enjoy watching him. Who says tall girls can't break it down?

I think the ending dance beats out the original Step-Up. The water, the music, the move....dang, just amazing. Now with a sequel there is the special requirement though, you have to watch the first to make sense of the second. The first part of this movie definitely requires that, but I guess you could go without watch the first one to get the point of the movie.
Night at the Museum 2:
I also love TV shows, and am also pretty good at naming what other movies and TV shows actors play in. However, I do not know names of actors. It's my family curse, we are just not good at names, but we sure do describe who they are well. So when I watch movies I notice the side-actors a lot because they always seem to pop-out in other movies with the same main actors (Adam Sandler Movies), or there will be a lot of extras from the same TV series. This movie apparently loves 'The Office.'

Andy (Ed Helms), Darryll (Craig Robinson), Kelly (Mindy Kaling), and Katy (Amy Adams) all play roles in this movie, a long with other big name actors!

I did like the first one better though. Even with all the MANY history facts and bits of culture, it was just too much. There was just TOO much going on. I think this was the logically location for the museum to "come back to life" in follow up with NY, but there were just so many history elements, people and facts I can't imagine that kids really even caught all of what was going on, or even any of the jokes. Some of the jokes I know would have gone straight over my head when I was little. So the question is, is this a children's movie or adult movie?

Something Borrowed:
Saw the movie in theater. Then read the book. Now saw the movie again. And I just can't make up my mind which I like better. I never like seeing a movie without reading its book first, but sometimes when I read the book first it just completely kills the movie. I like making the two separate. Even though it annoys me SO much when a book is completely altered in the movie, I do understand creative editing. There is no possible way to include everything in a movie when it is based off  a book, but when they completely change endings, or add scenes that NEVER happen in the book I get so frustrated. I don't even know which one is worse because endings are endings, it is the conclusion, the exhale, the resolution, so how can this be changed when it was so carefully and masterfully created. Most authors even start with the end, and yet movies still change the endings. But then adding is scenes. I give them the benefit of the doubt when they take out parts because there isn't enough time to include everything, but then they go on an add in scenes that didn't happen. Why not just include a scene you left out?!

But 'Something Borrowed,' both I LOVE! I honestly can't pick. And I understand all the changes in the movie from the book, they were completely constructive and practical in their creative editing. Even though when I saw this movie I was frustrated beyond belief because I just couldn't figure out how I wanted it to end, the book helped me like the ending, and that it had to end is way to make the second book/movie come true. So, now I just have to wait for 'Something Blue' to come out.

Princesses Diaries 2:
I LOVE THIS MOVIE! I loved the first, love the second, and will forever love it. This is when I fell in love with Ann Hathaway, and will watch any movie she is in. Even though 1 and 2 DO NOT follow the books what so ever, I did and do REALLY enjoy these movies. I mean it has Julie Andrews in it for goodness sakes! I actually don't know how many times I have seen this, it may be one of those movies I have to buy again because I have just worn out the disc.

A Knight's Tale:
Can we please just state the obvious first...why oh why did they deem it appropriate to include modern aspects in a movie which in every other way was historically correct. I still, no matter what, enjoy this movie, especially Mr. Heath Ledger. But between the 'Jock Jams' Music, Nike branding symbol, modern phrases like "foxy," and club dance scene it just downgraded the whole movie. Many people may think it funny or entertaining, but I just feel it takes away from the movie, it turned it into a funny haha movie instead of a historical romance. A few things they also got a bit wrong, but semi accurate??? There is a part where the French are saying they are better because the Pope is French, and Ledger's men reply that the Pope may be French but Jesus Christ was British. WHAT!? Now I am aware that people are ignorant to the ethnicity of Jesus, but you would think that the movie people may have researched this before making a joke that isn't even nearly accurate. And then another crack at religion is when Ledger walks into the Catholic church and dunks both hands in the "holy water" and smooths down his hair. I found this funny, but then thought yes this is a crack at the Catholics, it is also a joke on all religions that take Christ seriously. This is one thing we are looking at in my Film and Mass Media course right now, how religion is portrayed in media. Next time you watch a movie, see what you notice about what point they may be making about religion

Bride Wars:
Another good Hathaway and Kate Hudson Movie. I think this is Bridezilla at its best. Now never would I hope that my sisters would have been like these two, competitive, cruel and sabotaging, but man wouldn't that have been just been a tad bit entertaining. Can you just imagine an orange Melissa and blue haired Jennifer? (You know I love you both) But seriously this is very unrealistic, but that is the point, the over exaggerating makes the laughs. I do love how many things are true to a point in this movie as well. At the beginning the girls judge their friends hall, flowers, food, etc. etc. and know that theirs will be better, even though both of therm can't have a perfect wedding when they will be having completely different themed and seperate weddings. And then once the wedding is over their newly married friend has come past the wedding bliss and hit the reality check of married life, while the other friends drown themselves in ice cream and depression medication because they don't have anyone to marry. But of course in the end we learn what is most important, the wedding itself or the one(s) you are with.

So try out sequels, read movie books (before or after, it doesn't matter, JUST READ), and enjoy even the most unrealistic moments of movies.

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