Tuesday, August 30, 2011


I love previews!

When it comes to going out for a movie I'm the kind of person who hates to be late and miss out on the previews. Missing them means I miss out on what I should be seeing in the next few months. There is nothing like a movie theater preview. It is a perfect combination of chilling music, exciting scenes and the enormity of the theater screen. However, it is when a preview shows too much about the movie, all the funny scenes and/or when it gives away the movies secrets, I get so frustrated. They are taking away the whole experience of seeing a movie for the first time. I like not knowing anything about what I'm about to watch, but I can't help but love watching previews when they embody everything I like about movies.

The best kind of previews though have to be the ones played before the movie on a DVD. Even better, the ones on a tape before the movie. They make you remember all the movies you haven't seen in years, and ones you wanted to see but forgot to.

I know it is typical to skip over all the previews, or show up late at the theater, but next time think about what you are missing out on, the movies you might never see, the films you may never remember to watch again.

Watch previews!

Monday, August 29, 2011


I've been informed that I need to give out a few rules and instructions about the Top Ten Movies.

I've decided to make it interesting for everyone, almost like a riddle. I'm going to give a new clue each time, but always have the previous clues included. Like a riddle each clue will present new information, however it will make you think, rearrange your thoughts and hopefully stump you a little bit. So the clues, like the way I will be watching all my movies, will not be in any specific order. But I will slowly give out clues to say the order while describing each top movie.

Also you can post your guesses in the comments, but that doesn't mean I will say you are correct. But if you leave a comment you may be giving things away to others. By the end of the school year everything will all be revealed and you can see if you were able to get everything right. I will tell everyone when to send in their final guesses before I make the final post.

Good luck!!!

Top 10 Movie Clues:
It's a book
Childhood favorite

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Every Party Has A Pooper

Repeating enjoyment. Many question why on earth I would watch the same movie over and over again, re-read a book, or view TV shows so many time I all the episodes memorized. I question why you wouldn't! It is like saying you wouldn't go to a restaurant you enjoyed eating at, going to the fair every year, listening to the same song over again. We repeat our outings, activities and events all the time, but people question why I would re-read and re-watch media because I already know the ending. Well I know what animals I will see at the zoo, I remember what the food will taste like that I order, and with every time I watch a movie, TV show or re-read a book, I see something new, connect in different ways and experience a whole new love for that piece of entertainment.

Courtesy of Netflix, I re-watched 'Father of the Bride' today as I worked on homework. I've loved this movie my whole life, and so has my family, which is why my dad so lovingly named my mom Franck during the planning of my sisters' weddings. However, going through those weddings and now helping out with so many friends plans as they approach their wedding this summer I think parts of this movie are just absurd! After Steve Martin's character George Banks hands off his daughter to his future son-in-law this is the last time he speaks to here before she calls him from the airport. When you think about this, it contradicts one of the most traditional parts of a wedding, the father daughter dance. And yet somehow this never happens. Then I don't know if this is just because of a change in times or a Californian idea, but the fact that the family of the bride must pay for the groom's relatives to fly in from another country is insane! It is like telling the bride's family to also pay for hotel, gas and other travel expenses for all those attending. If that is an old tradition, I can't imagine going along with those kind of expenses.

Nevertheless, 'Father of the Bride' still cracks me up, reminds me of home, and the planning of my sisters' weddings. I hope Steven Martin never stops making films, I could use a few more famous quotes like "Every party has a pooper that's why we've invited you, party pooper, party pooper. Every party has a pooper that's why we've invited you, George Banks, that's who." (Even though technically that little diddy is from Father of the Bride II)

Friday, August 26, 2011


Well I guess it will be the week of firsts. Fist update. First week of school. First own room. First film. First time I've watched the film. First Clue.

I drove to New Ulm, MN on Thursday, August 18. I stayed with my friend Bonnie for the night in Waukesha, WI where I got to catch up with her over a bottle of wine. I arrived on campus around 6:00pm Friday and began the unpacking process. I unloaded everything, except my TV which I am still waiting for my big strong guy friends to come get, and then loaded my car up with stuff from my storage unit. Then came the organizing process. It was pretty easy because I have so much room! Not the usual words from a college student living in the dorms, but because I have a single this semester I can spread out everywhere. I realized that this is also the first time I have ever technically had my room all to myself, where it is ONLY my stuff in the room. It is weird. Later today my guy friends will be de-bunking my bed to make it into a couch, and bring up my TV so I can put the final touches on the room. Pictures to come...

School. Well I have 21.5 credits this semester. I have American Minority Writers (3), Doctrine 2 (3), Film and Mass Media (3), Teaching Music (2), Teaching Reading (4), Teaching Language Arts (2), Children's Literature (2), Organ (0.5), and Piano (0.5). I have class from 8:50-3:40 everyday, with a break after chapel and right before my last class. The number next to the class corresponds with how many times I have the class a week. Tuesday is the only day I don't have class. This is when I do my clinical experience. For those of you doing the math, this is where the last 0.5 credit comes in. This is my second clinical. Last year I was at Morgan Cedar Mountain Middle and High School, grades 6-12 special education, English and Math. I will find out this coming Tuesday where I will be teaching every Tuesday all day for the rest of the semester. Not much to report on the classes yet, the first week they try to be nice. However, my first movie has to do with one of my classes...

For Film and Mass Media we had to watch Modern Times. This is not only a Charlie Chaplin movie, but a "silent" film during the time of the first talkies, where we hear Chaplin's voice for the first time. My little knowledge on Chaplin seemed to be adequate enough in the discussion on his life, of course my brother dressing up as him for Halloween one year did help. This was my first Chaplin movie, and I have to say I know why everyone thinks he is so funny, and the reason he is so popular. Even though technically this is the first time the public ever hears his voice through film, he still makes sure he gets his point across that he can still entertain without words. His speaking role is of him singing, and in a language that is a mix of French, Italian and goodness knows what else. His actions still told the story, the singing was there only because it was "time" for him to speak. This was Chaplin's final silent film, after this he only did talkies.

Another exciting piece of news for my week is that I got a job! I am the new waitress/bartender at Concordia Lanes Kegel Klub. I begin work this coming week. I start as a waitress for the bowling alley and soon will be a bartender. Many of my friends work/have worked here, and this is the plan place we go on the weekends. It also happens to be the best place in town for a college students' income. I will get minimum wage plus cash tips. Since this is the most active bar and only bowling alley and banquet hall in New Ulm, it attracts most of the town, equaling more tips. So cross your fingers and send out your prayers as I begin this new position along with my very busy schedule.

Most of my friends are student teaching this semester, so distractions will be down compared to last year. Second semester I only have 17 credits plus less high profile courses. So when all my friends do come back for their final semester I will have room for a little distraction.

It is very warm here, and I am trying not to complain to much because I know within a month it will all be snow. I was informed that the next two years is predicated to be the worst winters in the history books. Isn't it just fabulous that I have two winters left here.

All it takes is the first step.

Your first clue for the Top Ten Movies:
It's a book

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Purpose & Plan

Well my family and friends have enjoyed reading VERY LARGE email updates every few weeks from me for the past two years. Last year my brother-in-law suggested I start a blog, I thought this was crazy! I don't have time to sit and write a blog everyday. Well after my friend Jake started a blog and began writing about it teaching experiences in Indonesia, I thought, well maybe this would be easier and it gives me time to practice what I love most. Writing.

So not only will this be filled with updates and information but I've decided to add a little spin. If anyone knows anything about me, they know I have a very large movie collection. It isn't the biggest I've seen, well in real life it is, but I say about 250+ movies and five complete TV series counts as a lot. My goal is to watch all these movies throughout the school year. All of them. It shouldn't be hard or any different then what I did last year, but instead of re-watch the 10 seasons of 'Friends' three times this year I will just go through my whole movie collect. I also will be throwing in movies I see in the theater, rent or borrow, so there won't be much of an order to the way I watch them.

But since writing is a passion of mine I have decided to take on a blogger type of purpose in this writing. Though my family and direct line of friends know what my favorite movie is, they do not know what my top ten favorites are. So through my descriptions and hints along the way, it will be my followers (aka friends and family's) job to guess what they these top ten favorites.

 Good luck and enjoy!