Monday, August 29, 2011


I've been informed that I need to give out a few rules and instructions about the Top Ten Movies.

I've decided to make it interesting for everyone, almost like a riddle. I'm going to give a new clue each time, but always have the previous clues included. Like a riddle each clue will present new information, however it will make you think, rearrange your thoughts and hopefully stump you a little bit. So the clues, like the way I will be watching all my movies, will not be in any specific order. But I will slowly give out clues to say the order while describing each top movie.

Also you can post your guesses in the comments, but that doesn't mean I will say you are correct. But if you leave a comment you may be giving things away to others. By the end of the school year everything will all be revealed and you can see if you were able to get everything right. I will tell everyone when to send in their final guesses before I make the final post.

Good luck!!!

Top 10 Movie Clues:
It's a book
Childhood favorite

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