Repeating enjoyment. Many question why on earth I would watch the same movie over and over again, re-read a book, or view TV shows so many time I all the episodes memorized. I question why you wouldn't! It is like saying you wouldn't go to a restaurant you enjoyed eating at, going to the fair every year, listening to the same song over again. We repeat our outings, activities and events all the time, but people question why I would re-read and re-watch media because I already know the ending. Well I know what animals I will see at the zoo, I remember what the food will taste like that I order, and with every time I watch a movie, TV show or re-read a book, I see something new, connect in different ways and experience a whole new love for that piece of entertainment.
Courtesy of Netflix, I re-watched 'Father of the Bride' today as I worked on homework. I've loved this movie my whole life, and so has my family, which is why my dad so lovingly named my mom Franck during the planning of my sisters' weddings. However, going through those weddings and now helping out with so many friends plans as they approach their wedding this summer I think parts of this movie are just absurd! After Steve Martin's character George Banks hands off his daughter to his future son-in-law this is the last time he speaks to here before she calls him from the airport. When you think about this, it contradicts one of the most traditional parts of a wedding, the father daughter dance. And yet somehow this never happens. Then I don't know if this is just because of a change in times or a Californian idea, but the fact that the family of the bride must pay for the groom's relatives to fly in from another country is insane! It is like telling the bride's family to also pay for hotel, gas and other travel expenses for all those attending. If that is an old tradition, I can't imagine going along with those kind of expenses.
Nevertheless, 'Father of the Bride' still cracks me up, reminds me of home, and the planning of my sisters' weddings. I hope Steven Martin never stops making films, I could use a few more famous quotes like "Every party has a pooper that's why we've invited you, party pooper, party pooper. Every party has a pooper that's why we've invited you, George Banks, that's who." (Even though technically that little diddy is from Father of the Bride II)
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