Thursday, October 6, 2011


Oh the one liners that come from this movie that will make me laugh for years to come. When I saw this in the theater I don't think I have ever laughed harder. Then last week I received a wonderful gift from my darling sister, 'Bridesmaids' on DVD! A complete surprise since I didn't realize it was coming out so soon. I have now watch it five times, and have compiled this list of quotes that crack me up.

You are more beautiful then Cinderella! You smell like pine needles, and have a face like sunshine!

I wouldn't want to make you explain what our relationship is to all those people. That would suck for you.

Do you want to tell a cop about it? We're just like priests except we would tell everybody afterwards.

If I wasn't a cop anymore, I would still go out with a gun and shoot people.

This is the first time I've seen you look ugly, and that makes me happy!

Annie: You read my diary?
Brynn: At first I did not know it was your diary, I thought it was a very sad handwritten book.

Why can't you be happy for me and then go home and talk about me behind my back like a normal person?

I want to apologize. I'm not even confident on which end that came out of.

I'm life Annie and I'm biting you in the a**!

Don't look at me!!! It's pouring out of me like hot lava!!!

Though it is a tad raunchy, and definitely not meant for children's eye, it is funny, it shows girls can be funny, it shows girls are crazy, but that we are wonderful, and that even though the title, content and everything about the film is girly, it does not use girly language or humor. See it, enjoy a laugh, and be thankful or hope that your wedding, shower, bachlorette party, and bridesmaids are never like this.

(I am also having a hard time viewing Gilmore Girls in the same way)

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