Thursday, October 6, 2011

Wall of Books

Some may wonder why I did not pick a background which represented movies for my blog. But for me this does. I have this list a dreams and wants, a sort of 'Bucket List' but it also includes other aspects as well. On this list is a room with a wall of books and movies. If you have ever seen the movie 'The Holiday' where Kate Winslet is shocked by the wall of movies in Cameron Diaz's house, that is what I want, this wall of entertainment. Never do I expect to have that many movie, she obviously had so many because she was in the movie trailer making business, but man I certainly can dream. Now combine that with 'Beauty and the Beast' and its incredible library, and that's what I would call one awesome room. So I would have this huge wall of movies and books, so of course I will need a few good Lay-Z-Boy recliners, a BIG comfy couch, and good window-seat like in the TV show 'The Torkelsons' and there would be complete serene relaxation. And as for decor, well I would take a note from Hollywood Video and cover the walls in music lyrics, movie, book and TV show quotes. What are the lyrics and quotes I would include??? Now that would give away some of my top movies now wouldn't it ;) So it looks like I will have to include my favorites quotes along the way as well. So when I tell you for my birthday and Christmas that a movie is a wonderful gift for me, just think of it as helping out in completing a dream of mine, creating my wall of entertainment, and not a cop-out/easy gift.

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