Sunday, October 16, 2011

Lost in Austen

Jane Austen would roll over in her grave if she saw this movie. I decided to pick a movie suggested to me by was interesting. Set in British, Amanda only wants to live the life of Elizabeth Bennett. She gets to do so when one day Miss Bennett comes through a door in Amanda's house. So Amanda goes to Elizabeth's world, while Elizabeth stays in Amanda's. Amanda makes a complete mess of everything that is suppose to happen in Pride and Prejudice. It was a typical "modern person messes up the past" kind of movie, and has to figure out how to get it back in order. And yet I have no idea if I liked it. It was like watching a very cheap version, with very ugly people, of the eloquent and lovely world I've always loved. I had to promptly put in Keira Knightly's 'Pride and Prejudice' to recover from this horrible film. This movie had a great title with terrible results.

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