Thursday, October 6, 2011


I've been stumped, I know it is surprising, but yes this movie caught me off guard and I didn't see the ending coming. Now I blame it on my cold, it fogged my brain and caused me not to be able to thoroughly contemplate the ending. This was a movie I had to watch for my course and I was told not to read anything about it, or watch the trailer before viewing the film. Though it left me completely unaware of what was going on at first, I liked not knowing what was going to happen. Even though I love figuring out the ending before it happens, I don't like being told the ending before it happens. So don't look anything up, don't watch the trailer, just watch this movie, and you will be left in a daze of stupidity that make you want to hit yourself because you didn't figure out the ending before it happened. Enjoy feeling dumb!

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